My Week of Vegan: Day 2!



Day two of being vegan! For breakfast this morning, I planned ahead and made some super easy overnight oats last night. I don’t love most of the recipes online, as I think they end up too soupy, so overtime I have developed my own favorite mixture! The oats that I used were Bob’s Red Mill brand. I usually eyeball the amounts: I put the almond milk in until it achieves the thickness I like. I topped my oats with blueberries, and it filled me up and I wasn’t hungry until much later in the day. Also, I am aware that this is not the most appetizing looking recipe, but trust me, it is delicious!The recipe I will put down below, but keep in mind that I do not use many measurements, so it is a very customizable recipe!

Overnight Oats                     


  • ½ cup of oats (you can use any of your choice)
  • ¼-½ cup of almond milk
  • 1 scoop of peanut butter (optional)
  • sprinkle of blueberries


  1. Put your oats, milk, and peanut butter into a mason jar or any container. Stir well and add more based on your opinion.
  2. After 7-12 hours in the fridge, take out oats and sprinkle blueberries on top.
  3. Enjoy!

Ok, now for dinner! I decided to make vegan quesadillas, which were also really easy and super good. They were stuffed with veggies, cheese, and were in vegan tortillas. The cheese I used was soy cheese from Trader Joe’s. It was super melty and didn’t even taste different from regular cheese. I also halved the recipe since I was making it for one, and it made 2. I also had extra corn from last night, so I added it in as well. I used my sweet peppers, which I am now loving and will definitely be eating them more often. I did not use mushrooms because I do not personally love them, and it turned out just as good! The recipe will be down below, and I found the recipe on, which is a vegan website! I topped my quesadillas with Trader Joe’s guacamole,  Fruit Center salsa, and cilantro. Hope you enjoy, and stay tuned for day 3!

Amazing Veggie Quesadillas


  • 2 Tbsp. coconut oil
  • 1 medium to large red onion, diced
  • 1 large green pepper + 1 large red pepper, chopped (or about 10-12 mini sweet peppers)
  • 1 jalapeño, minced or chopped
  • 1 can of black beans, drained and rinsed
  • 1 cup fresh mushrooms, chopped
  • 1 tsp. ground cumin
  • 1 tsp. ground coriander
  • 1 tsp. dried oregano
  • 3 cups fresh spinach, chopped
  • sea salt and black pepper to taste
  • 6 or 8 Food for Life Brown Rice Tortillas (wheat and gluten-free)
  • Soy-shredded cheese
  • guacamole
  • salsa
  • cilantro


  1. In a large, deep skillet over medium or medium-low heat, add coconut oil, onion, and peppers (including jalapeño) with a pinch of sea salt. Sauté for 15 minutes until softened and translucent. You don’t want them to brown, so reduce the heat if necessary. Cook it slowly so everything gets soft and sweet.
  2. Add black beans, mushrooms and spices. Mix everything together and continue cooking for 5 minutes. (This is where I added corn)
  3. Add spinach and continue cooking for a few minutes, until spinach wilts. Add salt and pepper to taste and remove from heat.
  4. I used a large, shallow pan (sprayed with cooking spray, over medium heat) to cook the quesadillas. This makes it easy for flipping if you use a large plate or thin cutting board to sandwich the quesadilla and flip the pan upside down. Then slide the quesadilla off the plate/cutting board back onto the pan so you can cook the other side. I assembled the quesadillas directly on the pan. Begin with one tortilla, topped with about ¼ cup Daiya Shreds (cheese), followed by some of the bean/veggie filling. Do not spread the filling to the edge of the tortilla. It will spread out as it’s cooking. Add your preferred extras (avocado slices, cilantro, salsa, lime juice). Add a little more cheese on top, then top it off with a second tortilla. I set a cast iron skillet on top of the quesadilla while it was cooking. The weight helps everything stick together inside. Cook for about 5 minutes (until tortilla browns up slightly), then flip and repeat.
  5. Cut quesadilla in half, then cut each half into 6 triangles. Optional – garnish with chopped cilantro, serve with salsa and/or guacamole